The picture shows an underpass in the reddish light with graffiti on the tiled walls on the left and right

Social Innovation Metrics

Welcome to IndiSI+ - Measuring Social Innovation. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research the project strives to provide indicators on organisations’ social innovativeness, regions’ innovation capacity and resonance, to posit social innovation in the broader field of innovation.

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Levels of Measurement

Blick auf einen Arbeitsplatz

IndiSI Framework Model

Social innovations are drivers for a modern social market economy and a functioning social togetherness. But, unfortunately, we have hardly any data on social innovation and its emergence.

Team bei der Arbeit


Organisations’ innovativeness zooms in on the extent to which organisations implement new solutions that contribute to achieving SDGs. Indicators include structures, business models & governance etc.

Personen vor einem Sonnenuntergang


Regions’ innovation capacity is shaped by factors that denote (1) awareness to act, (2) intention to act, and (3) ability to act and their interconnections.

Eine Frau an einem Laptop


Tracking online discourses shall enable us to fathom perceptions about pressing societal needs and the proposition of new solutions and actor coalitions pushing these solutions.


Picture shows fingers holding a ruler

Posted on April 05, 2022

IndiSI+ PolicyBrief #1 released

Today we released our first IndiSI+ PolicyBrief on »Measuring Social Innovation - A Key Element of Mission-oriented Policy«. In a nutshell: Social innovations are a central component of the German innovation ecosystem. They are anchored in research and innovation policy and have the potential to make an important contribution to overcoming societal challenges, and therefore to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Evidence-based cross-policy support for social innovation requires appropriate data; however, the measurement of social innovation is still in its infancy. The IndiSI+ framework model serves as the basis for a holistic measurement approach to capture social innovations, which we advise should be developed further and implemented by policy makers.

Different colored leaves

Posted on January 03, 2022

Call for Participation

Are you a regional or municipal decision-maker interested in having us survey social innovation in your region? First, such a survey would help you determine who “makes” social innovation and how it works. Second, it would assist you in assessing what attitudes your citizens have to issues relevant to the emergence of social innovations and what they effectively do to contribute to their emergence. Finally, it would support you in identifying relevant problems and emerging solutions at an early stage based on the debates between social actors. Sounds exciting and relevant for your region?

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