Posted on April 04, 2022
IndiSI+ PolicyBrief #1
The first IndiSI+ policy brief is released. It sheds light on the relevance of social innovation measurement in the context of mission-orientation of research and innovation policies and introduces our measurement framework.
Posted on June 25, 2021
Call for Participation
Are you a regional or municipal decision-maker interested in having us survey social innovation in your region? First, such a survey would help you determine who “makes” social innovation and how it works. Second, it would assist you in assessing what attitudes your citizens have to issues ...
Posted on May 12, 2021
Report on »Resonance Analysis« released
With the resonance analysis, IndiSI is breaking new ground in developing indicators for measuring social innovations and addressing the gap in established foresight methods in this area. It looks at the early phases of the development processes of social innovations, at the beginning of which is the ...